Source code for dicttoxml2.api

from logging import getLogger
from typing import Callable, Any, List

from .converters import convert
from .utils import default_item_func

logger = getLogger("dicttoxml")

[docs]def dicttoxml(obj: Any, root: bool = True, custom_root: str = 'root', ids: bool = False, attr_type: bool = True, item_func: Callable[[Any], str] = default_item_func, cdata: bool = False, fold_list: bool = True) -> bytes: """Converts a python object into XML. Arguments: - root specifies whether the output is wrapped in an XML root element Default is True - custom_root allows you to specify a custom root element. Default is 'root' - ids specifies whether elements get unique ids. Default is False - attr_type specifies whether elements get a data type attribute. Default is True - item_func specifies what function should generate the element name for items in a list. Default is 'item' - cdata specifies whether string values should be wrapped in CDATA sections. Default is False - fold_list when using the option fold_list=False the parameter item_func is ignored. In case of nested lists, all list entries will use the same parent dictionary name as item name. Default is True """ logger.debug('Inside dicttoxml(): type(obj) is: "%s", obj="%s"' % (type(obj).__name__, obj)) output: List[str] = [] if root: output.append('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>') output.append( f"<{custom_root}>{convert(obj, ids, attr_type, item_func, cdata, parent=custom_root, fold_list=fold_list)}</{custom_root}>" ) else: output.append(convert(obj, ids, attr_type, item_func, cdata, parent='', fold_list=fold_list)) return ''.join(output).encode('utf-8')